Israel Herrera, Software Engineer

👋🏼 Hello there!... I'm

< Israel Herrera </>

Javascript Fullstack Developer time to surrender 🚀 🎷

<Projects />

Here are some projects I've done recently. If you want to see more, you can visit my Github profile

Visit my Github profile

Appointment Schedule

Portfolio Web

Appointment Scheduling System, allows you to choose a date and time to schedule an appointment. Complete CRUD.

Tailwind CSS

Portfolio Web-> this project 🙈 <-

Portfolio Web

This is my personal portfolio website. It is a single-page and it is multilingual. It is a work in progress.

Tailwind CSS

Weather App

Weather App

Single-Page app that displays current weather information, 8-day and 5-day forecasts for 10 different cities. It uses the Open Weather API and SWR to handle API queries.

Tailwind CSS
Open Weather

Backend - Cake Portfolio

Backend - Cake Portfolio

Endpoint cake portfolio made in Nest.js, Postgres, Graphql, and TypeORM. Frontend coming soon...


Website Layout Demo

Website Layout

Website Layout made in Gatsby, React and with Tailwind Css

Tailwind CSS

More projects coming soon...

<Work Experience />

  1. React Full Stack Developer

    CleverIT Group, Santiago, Chile

    • Project:
      Web application for end-users and a Backoffice web application for collaborators and employees of the companies.

    • Project Description:
      1. Web application for the automatic enrollment process of students in the university's offered programs, along with a Backoffice web application for university staff responsible for managing enrollments, students, representatives, credits, scholarships, and other related aspects.

      2. Web application called T.R.S.T for recording the weight, location, collecting company, and tracking the process of recyclable products and waste from the sea along the Chilean coast.

    • Technology Stack:

      JavaScript, React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Next.js, Nest.js, Git, React Hooks and Custom Hooks, Apollo Client and Server, React Suite, Tailwind CSS, SCRUM, Azure DevOps.

  2. React Frontend Developer

    SuperDigital by Group Santander, Bs. As. - Arg

    • Project:
      Web application for the attention and reception of new clients in Argentina, Mexico and Brazil.

    • Project Description:

      Web application for Superdigital customers to perform mobile phone top-ups, pay third-party bills, and other transactions, including public transportation.

    • Technology Stack:

      JavaScript, React, TypeScript, Redux, Git, React Hooks and Custom Hooks, MicroFrontend, Material UI, Styled Component, Sass CSS, SCRUM, Postman, Unit Testing, Azure DevOps.

  3. React Frontend Developer

    Avalith - Mar de Plata, Arg

    • Project:
      Web Site de Avalith

    • Project Description:
      Development of the website with synchronization with its internal personnel recruitment system.

    • Technology Stack:

      JavaScript, React, Gatsby.js, Context Api, Git, React Hooks, Tailwind CSS, SCRUM, Postman, Github

  4. React Frontend Developer

    Shaddai Solutions LLC - McAllen Tx, USA

    • Project:
      CRM - Website

    • Project Description:

      Development of Web Applications and Websites for various clients.

    • Technology Stack:

      JavaScript, React, Next.js, Graphql, Apollo Client, Git, React Hooks, Material UI, Postman

  5. Software Developer

    Varias Compañias - Cuenca, Ecuador

    • Project:
      Various clients from the local sector, mostly from the tourism sector

    • Project Description:

      Various clients from the local sector, mostly from the tourism sector

    • Technology Stack:

      HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript, Jquery, MySQL, WordPress, Custom templates

<Skills />


  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Go learning...
  • Dart learning...

Library / Framework Frontend

  • React Js
  • Next Js
  • Vite Js
  • Astro Js
  • Gatsby Js
  • Vue Js learning...
  • Flutter learning...

Library / Framework Backend

  • Nestjs Js
  • Strapi Js
  • Firebase


  • Postgresql
  • Mongodb
  • Mysql
  • Firestore


  • React Query
  • Graphql
  • Redux
  • Apollo Client / Server
  • Jest
  • Testing Library
  • Github
  • Docker
  • Storybook
  • Figma

Framework CSS / UI Component

  • Tailwindcss
  • Bootstrap
  • Styled Components
  • Semantic UI
  • AntDesign UI

<AboutMe />

Hey what's up! I am a self-taught programmer living in Cuenca and born in Guayaquil - Ecuador 🇪🇨 in the same year as Mark Zuckerberg, Cris Evans or Ed Sheeran, yes... a magical year 😅.

I am passionate about technology and a fan of Javascript/Typescript. Currently, I am exploring the fascinating world of React JS and all its exciting ecosystems such as Vite - Next - Astros - Gatsby - etc .

I'm not satisfied with just that, I also spend time learning Vue, GO, Dart, and anything that allows me to solve those annoying daily problems with a touch of code.

Yes, I am a Frontend Developer by profession and a Backend Developer in evolution,but I am also an enthusiast of the spiritual life 🙏🏻 and a lover of music 🎶.

When I'm not immersed in lines of code, I am immersed in the sweet melodies of a Yamaha YAS-62 saxophone 🎷 in my local church's Praise Band ⛪️. What better way to find the balance between the divine and the digital, right? I'm always ready to mix beats and code blocks to create amazing experiences both in the browser and on stage.

So if you are looking for a Javascript Fullstack Developer with an overflowing passion for technology, a saxophonist at heart, and a touch of humor, here I am! Willing to face any challenge with a smile and a coffee ☕️ in hand. Do we talk about code and music while making beautiful projects?

Israel Herrera, Software Engineer
© Copyrigth 2023 - made with ❤️ by Israel H.